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PA/Allegheny County Covid Report


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Allegheny County & Pennsylvania #covid hospitalization & variants thread for 2022-08-24

Allegheny County

Allegheny reports 2587 new cases over 7 days.
Hospitalizations are +6 to 212
ICUs are -1 to 21 (72% full)
7 day avg drops to 329 cases/day
Transmission risk: High
CDC Community level: High

Allegheny County Cases, Hospitalizations graph Allegheny County Cases, Hospitalizations graph with truncated Y axis Allegheny County 60 day Cases, Hospitalizations graph


Pennsylvania reports 23554 new cases over 7 days.
Hospitalizations are +33 to 1289
ICUs are -14 to 132 (78% full)
7 day avg drops to 2831 cases/day
Transmission risk: High

Allegheny County Cases, Hospitalizations graph Allegheny County Cases, Hospitalizations graph with truncated Y axis Allegheny County 60 day Cases, Hospitalizations graph


Allegheny County daily vaccines drop to 372 1st+2nd doses, 197 booster doses/day (5 day lagged 7 day avg)

Fully vaccinated %s:

Allegheny County: 70.2%, 52.7% of those are boosted, 21.8% of boosted got 4th dose.


PA counties with full ICU beds due to covid: Bradford County, with 3 +covid patients in the ICU.

PA-wide hospital census: Using 17602 med/surg beds, 22 less than last week, 54 more than 2 weeks ago.

Both Pfizer and Moderna have now submitted their BA.4/5 targeted bivalent boosters for EUA and we may see avaiability begin as early as late September if things go well.