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PA/Allegheny County Covid Report


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Allegheny County & Pennsylvania #covid hospitalization & variants thread for 2022-07-06

Allegheny County

Allegheny reports 1859 new cases over 7 days.
Hospitalizations are +0 to 142
ICUs are +2 to 15 (71% full)
7 day avg stays around 233 cases/day (*)
Transmission risk: High
CDC Community level: Low

Allegheny County Cases, Hospitalizations graph Allegheny County Cases, Hospitalizations graph with truncated Y axis Allegheny County 60 day Cases, Hospitalizations graph


Pennsylvania reports 17081 new cases over 7 days.
Hospitalizations are -6 to 1054
ICUs are -1 to 99 (78% full)
7 day avg drops to 2078 cases/day
Transmission risk: High

Allegheny County Cases, Hospitalizations graph Allegheny County Cases, Hospitalizations graph with truncated Y axis Allegheny County 60 day Cases, Hospitalizations graph


Due to the 4th, today's case reports may be somewhat lower than they should be, though how much of an effect it will have is hard to estimate - likely not huge.


Allegheny County daily vaccines drop to 201 1st+2nd doses, 168 booster doses/day (5 day lagged 7 day avg)

Fully vaccinated %s:

Allegheny County: 69.4%, 52% of those are boosted, 18% of boosted got 4th dose.

PA has not yet broken out under 5 vax.


PA counties with full ICU beds due to covid: Clearfield (3 +covid patients in ICU)

PA-wide hospital census: Using 16549 med/surg beds, 365 less than last week, 356 less than 2 weeks ago.