About the PA Covid Report
This is a competely unofficial compilation of data from the PA Department of Health, the Allegheny County Department of Health, the Western PA Regional Datacenter, and the CDC. The author has no affiliation with any of the data sources, and no financial interest in anything covid-related.
As I note on my twitter account where all this started, I (David Andersen) am neither a virologist, epidemiologist, or medical professional. So I do encourage you to let me know if anything I say conflicts with what you're hearing from experts, and trust them first and foremost.
Why do I feel qualified to do this, then? I do have a background in biology, with a BS in biology and having spent a small part of my Ph.D. working on computational biology. As a computer science professor, I spend a lot of time on data analysis.
Why you might find value in these reports: I try to integrate what we're hearing from experts with a lot of Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh-specific data analysis, because understanding the quirks of the local data and situation is helpful in making sense of it. Every covid data source has its quirks (unfortunately), and context does matter.
The code that puts the reports together is open source, written in Rust (mostly for fun, it probably would have been easier in Python).
Primary data sources
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